Unravelling Enterprise Workforce Planning & Optimisation

In recent years, the terms ‘Workforce Planning’ and ‘Workforce Optimization’ have been increasingly popular buzzwords within the current HR landscape. And rightly so! Despite being lexicons that have been thrown around since the 1960s, the criticality of workforce planning is only very recently being recognized with organisations looking to revamp (or in a lot of cases, create) their forecasting processes to ensure they have an appropriate workforce aligned to their strategic goals.

This eBook aims to bring organisations up to scratch or at least introduce them to the growing significance of workforce planning within the enterprise level. We want to start at the basics of defining what workforce planning really is and to unravel any notions and confusions that people have for this important process

  • What are ‘Enterprise Workforce Planning’ and ‘Workforce Optimization’?
  • What are Different Types of Enterprise Workforce Planning?
  • What is the Process of Workforce Planning & Optimization?

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