All you need to know about the employee onboarding template

- By Ajay Kumar | June 24, 2020
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  • Onboarding Template
    Employee onboarding is an opportunity for employers to win the hearts and minds of the new hires. It offers you an imprinting window to create an exceptional experience that will stay with the new employees for the duration of their careers. Studies also suggest that organizations with a standard onboarding process experience 50 percent greater new-hire productivity.

    Thus, designing a well-organized onboarding plan is of prime importance for organizations. It was easier before remote work became the norm. Now that companies are hiring beyond their geographical peripheries, they need to rethink their onboarding process for the remote workers and enhance their joining experience. After all, they are becoming a part of your organization!

    In this case, an excel based employee onboarding template will help you structure and record every session and activity vital to set the tone for a new joinee. It’s a comprehensive sheet that encompasses every nitty-gritty from task details to an activity’s score! Let’s have a look at every detail covered in the template:

    The 4 C’s of onboarding

    An effective and successful onboarding is defined by the 4 fundamental C’s: Compliance, Clarification, Culture, and Connection.

    • Compliance– it involves familiarizing the employees with the company’s legal policies and rules.
    • Clarification– Clarification involves making sure employees understand their roles and responsibilities, the company’s goals and vision, and other related information with clarity.
    • Culture– Culture plays an important role in making your employees comfortable with your organizational norms (both formal and informal)
    • Connection– It refers to establishing interpersonal relationships and networking which lay the groundwork for employee engagement and collaboration.

    The template helps you categorize each task into these 4 domains mentioned above using a simple drop-down list and ensures that you cover every niche required to make your remote onboarding better.

    Distribution of tasks

    On a daily/weekly or monthly basis, the tasks can be distributed based on priority. You can arrange the tasks in order of what needs to be done first and distribute the same throughout the day/month or week. This helps you organize your tasks better and manage time efficiently.

    For instance, an overview of the firm, setting-up internal communication, and a formal welcome to the team are some of the essential tasks to be covered on day one. The template lets you bifurcate them into sessions on each day.


    The mode of conducting every session can also be specified in the excel sheet. This helps you set-up tools before the session begins and makes it hassle-free.

    For example, when onboarding a remote worker, the formal welcome is done via video conferencing. Since this is already specified in the sheet, one can set up a meeting at the scheduled hour and connect effortlessly with the entire team.


    Every task or training serves a purpose. Specifying these goals against each task gives clarity about what the new joinee will learn or what is the takeaway. The why, when, and how of every action is clear with these details.


    Not all the tasks are conducted by one person. Every task requires a certain set of skills, training sessions for different products will require the personnel in the very niche or feedback sessions will have to be conducted by the one who is monitoring the employee’s progress. It can be the manager or the mentor (buddy) assigned to the newcomer.

    When the supervisors are mentioned against each task, one can reach out to the concerned expert and rearrange or assign it to somebody else in case the task is delayed.
    The above-mentioned specifics cover the essential aspects of the onboarding plan. Now let’s see the part where the tasks can be tracked and assessed to take corrective actions down the line.

    Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

    The factors that define the credibility and quality of the tasks performed are known as the key performance indicators. These are used in the template to evaluate the activities.

    Let’s say, the task is to give product training to the employee via video conferencing and screen sharing. In this case, the task performance will be assessed based on the product instructions given by the trainer and the video and audio quality which will be then called the KPIs.


    The scale is a scoreboard that quantifies the KPIs and helps the leaders understand what is going well and what needs to be worked upon.

    Using this template, one gets a clear picture by just looking at the score which is emphasized with better visuals and gradient bars.

    Task status

    One of the most important attributes of any process is getting a fix of its progress. Knowing where the task stands and if it’s aligning with the schedule is crucial.

    This template lets you update the task status with easy drop-downs. The manager will then get clarity on the program’s progress and can take corrective actions if it’s not going according to the schedule.

    The Summary

    Keeping in mind that you don’t get a second chance to create the first impression, managers should make their onboarding process more efficient. After all, this will build the foundation for an employee’s success. Along with deploying the right collaborative tools, utilizing the employee onboarding template will help you keep up with the onboarding schedule and give a memorable joining experience to the newcomers. What are you waiting for? Download the onboarding template here…

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